FAQs and What to Expect.

What to expect
Before, During, and After
You’ve done your research and sent off your email. But now what? I make a point to get back to all my emails each week so you should hear back soon!
Once we’re able to chat about your piece, and get you a quote, I’ll find us a find us an appointment. Then it’s time to leave your deposit.
But what is the deposit and why do you need to leave one in order to book?
Tattooers take deposits to ensure that our time, energy, and work is respected and protected. I (Emily) take a nonrefundable $100 deposit that goes towards the cost of your appointment. The good news is, as long as you’re ready to be tattooed and on-time the day of your appointment, you get to use that money towards your total.
But what if you can’t make it? If you need to reschedule, I require at least 48 hours notice, and you can message me via email (emhalbs@gmail.com) to do so. I won’t be able to accommodate schedule or design changes made within 48 hours of your appointment, so if you’re unable to make it, do let me know as soon as possible so you don’t risk losing your deposit. Like I mentioned, all deposits are non-refundable. If you cancel, don’t show up, or arrive looking for a different piece than what we discussed, you risk losing your appointment and deposit. It’s one of many ways tattooers protect themselves against the unpredictability and uncertainty of this craft.
Once you leave your deposit (available for purchase in the Shop tab), you’ll receive a digital receipt and appointment confirmation text within 24hours. This is the point where, giddy with excitement, everyone asks, “when will I see my design?”. The perhaps disappointing but common practice across tattooing is this;
Your design will be available to you at the time of your appointment.
Before you panic, please let me explain why this is. Is it because all tattooers are chronic procrastinators? I promise that’s not it. I like to think that any tattooer worth working with will be busy at some point, and maybe even the majority, of their career. And at the end of the day, we’re humans too; needing structure, boundaries, time away from work, and rest. Nonetheless, I and all the tattooers I know, draw every day. So my mornings before work are filled with me drawing while eating breakfast, me drawing between the actual tattooing, and then drawing after I’ve eaten dinner and tucked my doggie into bed.
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change this for the world and I’m not pandering for pity. I’m just framing the explanation by saying, there are simply not enough hours in the day for artists to prepare, correspond about, and rework multiple designs, for every single client in our books.
The way I overcome this problem is by listening. I really do put my back into hearing out my clients, presenting likely problems, offering solutions and easing nerves before I commit to booking. That way when we do get to sit down and review your design, we can try it on, play with sizing, and adjust, substitute, or altogether change design aspects together! It’s collaboration, baby! Please know too, that this collaboration time is built into every appointment I book. So rest easy, you’re in good hands and your voice matters.
As long as you’re in love with what we design, we’ll do some paperwork (bring your ID!), and we’ll get you tattooed. That part, I’ll guide you through step by step, making sure you’re comfortable and confident as possible.
When it comes to the actual pokey part – yes tattoos hurt – the sensation varies greatly from person to person, and area to area. What I remind everyone is, the pain is quick, and the tattoo and the joy you’ll get from it is forever. And I promise, if a chicken like me can get tattooed, so can you.
When all the spicy stuff is over, I’ll likely photograph (with your consent) and wrap your tattoo while we go over aftercare together. We’ll get you wrung up, and that’s that! Not so bad right? And I’m always available via email if you have questions or concerns during your healing. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Age and ID Requirements
You must be 18 years of age or older to be tattooed and all clients are required to bring a valid government-issued photo ID to your appointment.
All clients regardless of age who fail to bring a valid form of photo ID will not be able to be tattooed until their ID is presented.
Examples of valid Photo IDs include;
- State issued Driver’s License, Permit, or temporary license
- Government issued Passport
- State issued ID Card
- Green Card or Government issued Visa materials feature a photo and date of the carrier’s birth.
Please note that military issued CAT cards, social security cards, and birth certificates will not be accepted. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the studio or artist prior to your appointment. Your cooperation and preparation is appreciated.
How to Prepare
For your best tattoo session
Once you’ve gotten your deposit and appointment in order (we’ll take care of that together), you may find yourself anxiously awaiting your appointment. Fear not! You’ve got the power to take charge of your experience with a little preparation and some good reminders.
Please remember that you’re in charge! Take care of your body before hand by getting a good night’s sleep, by staying hydrated, and eating a balanced meal prior to your appointment.
Prior to your arrival, make sure your means of transportation is sound and that you know how to get to the studio! (I have the location and directions on the home page). Late arrivals or no-shows can result in the loss of your deposit.
Dress accordingly! I have to be able to get to the skin you’d like tattooed, so wear comfortable clothing that allows me access, while still maintaining a level of privacy you’re comfortable with. Please note that sometimes tattoo ink can damage or stain clothing, so please don’t come dressed in your favorite duds!
It’s awkward for everyone when your appointment is delayed because of these things. Please don’t leave home without them and make sure to check that your ID is acceptable. Additionally, we take cash, card, and Apple Pay. Just make sure that you bring the relevant method for you.
After you’ve received a couple tattoos, you’ll know what works best for you. Whether you’re a big baby like me, or a rock-solid champ, please bring whatever makes you feel comfortable. Need your snacks? Bring them! Want your music? Bring your headphones! While support animals are unfortunately not allowed in the space (it’s a safety hazard), bring your teddy bear or a friend! At the very least I encourage clients to again, dress comfy, bring their ID and wallet, and any food/beverages you’d like.
Lastly, feel free to browse the Aftercare article and familiarize yourself with the healing process – perhaps even taking time to pick up your aftercare products beforehand. I encourage all my clients to pick up a bottle of Bactine and their favorite tube or bottle of unscented, un-dyed, moisturizer or lotion.
At the end of the day, tattoos can definitely be spicy and even downright painful. Coming prepared and empowered helps make everything else a piece of cake.

Pricing and Deposits
What can I expect to pay?
In the era of celebrity tattooing, Instagram fame, and TikTok’s “tattoo gate”, transparency has never been more essential when deciding on who to work with.
To keep it short and sweet, here’s Emily’s pricing:
- Free Consultation (virtual or 30 minutes in-person) – This is our time to chat, get you a quote, and see if we’re a good fit. If you’re ready to book, then we’ll take a deposit
- $100 Deposit – Deposits reserve your appointment, let me know you’re serious about your project, and cover my losses if you no-show, or try to adjust your concept or appointment with less than 48h before your appointment. For all the details on the deposit policy, check out the deposit option in the Shop! The only time I take more than $100 as a deposit is when I am doing large scale work that is highly custom (think; a back piece or body suit, where I’m laboring upwards of 4 hours to prepare a drawing). Don’t worry, it still goes towards your total like a normal deposit does.
- No drawing fees! Why? Because the value of the time and materials put into the drawing is built in to my hourly rate. I do my best to get your idea right the first time, but we can always make changes and adjustments to it during your tattoo appointment. I build the time these adjustments take into my quotes in advance. In very rare cases, some clients change their minds when they see a drawing and realize that what they asked for isn’t what they want. They may not be ready to get tattooed at all, or they may want to go in a completely different direction with the tattoo – and that is absolutely okay. Supporting your agency as a client is my number one priority. If you need to back out or if we need to completely redraw or heavily edit your drawing beyond the normal tweaks and adjustments, your $100 deposit will be used to cover my time and labor used to prepare the design you asked for and to compensate the time lost in that days schedule. A new $100 deposit will be required for rescheduling the secondary appointment.
- $160/hour rate – I charge the industry median rate of $160 that starts at the beginning of the appointment and is prorated during that session until we reach the completion of your service. When quoting a tattoo, I account for set-up, design sizing and adjustment, efficient tattooing, an appropriate amount of breaks to allow you to rest, view the work as we progress, and for the final photos, wrap up, check out, and break down. At any one of these stages, we may use more or less time depending on the scale, placement, your pain tolerance, etc. therefore it can be difficult to estimate fully the cost of a tattoo before hand. At the consultation, I do my best to present a price range based on these variables to make sure there are no surprises. Charging an hourly rate means that all my tattoos are priced the same regardless of who’s getting tattooed, and that my time and hard work is respected during the session.
- $5-10 Aftercare – I advise clients to purchase Bactine and their favorite unscented lotion to care for their tattoo during the healing process. Check your medicine cabinet before coming in – you may already have these at home! If not, these can be picked up in the wound and skincare sections of any drug store.
Feeling ready?

After Care
Whether you’re healing with RecoveryDerm or have a fresh tattoo wrapped in cling wrap, your aftercare follows the same basic tenets.
- Remove the covering after the appropriate amount of time. (Typically between 1-2 days for an adhesive bandage and no more than 2 hours for a plastic-wrapped tattoo.)
- Rinse the tattoo with clean hands under warm running water. *JUST* water. I encourage clients to forego soap in place of…
- Bactine! Available anywhere that sells bandaids, apply a light misting of Bactine to the now air-dried tattoo. Allow Bactine to dry.
- Gently apply a thin layer of unscented moisturizer to the tattoo, taking care not over saturate or smother the tattoo. Your tattoo should never be sticky, shiny, or gooey due to an excess of lotion. Good rule of thumb; go slow and apply more lotion if the area feels tight, dry, or otherwise restrictive.
- Repeat these steps 2-3x a day as needed for 3-5 days depending on your needs. Then for the following week, you can back off to a daily rinse/Bactine mist, while continuing to hydrate the area with lotion as needed throughout the day.
- Do not touch your tattoo unless you’re cleaning it and refrain from exercising and other sweat-inducing activities. Avoid high-risk infection areas including but not limited to shared bodies of water, tubs, saunas, camping sites, gyms, etc. until your tattoo is fully healed.
- Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight while healing to avoid sunburns and when the tattoo is healed, regularly practice smart, UV-protective skincare habits to maximize the longevity of your piece.
- Contact Emily at any point with questions and concerns regarding your healing. I can help!
Tattooing is an aesthetic practice that causes abrasions to the skin. By consenting to receive a tattoo, you’re also assuming the responsibility to care for your wound properly. Should you choose to forego the aftercare method described above, Fox Hall LLC and Emily Halber are not liable for any injury or expense that may occur. All aforementioned care is general advice and does not constitute the guidance of a licensed medical practitioner.